jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013




Question Tags - Mixed Tenses

Type the correct word in the boxes below.


1.Doctor, I haven't got an infection,  I?
2.She takes her dog for a walk every morning,  she?
3.You'll come,  you?
4.We are buying the red car,  we?
5.They have a cat,  they?
6.It's a lovely day,  it?
7.George doesn't know,  he?
8.The party didn't finish until 3 in the morning,  it?
9.They look tired,  they?
10.We won't be late,  we?
11She's been to Canada,  she?
12.He's happy,  he?
13There were a lot of people at the beach,  there?
14.I've met you before,  I?
15.He jumped over the fence,  he?

Fill in the correct question tag:

  are they  -    are we   -   is he  -    is it   -   is she   -   you   

1. Your mobile isn´t new, ?
2. The test isn´t difficult, ?
3. Peter isn´t at home, ?
4. Sue isn´t in her room, ?
5. We aren´t late, ?
6. Mr and Mrs Brown aren´t in the taxi, ?
7. The prize isn´t good, ?
8. The bag isn´t expensive, ?
9. You aren´t in London, are ?
10. The football game isn´t this weekend, ?
Fill in: is, isn´t, are or aren´t and a pronoun (it, she or they).

1. Our umbrellas  in the hall, aren´t ?
2. That bell  huge, isn´t ?
3. My umbrella  as big as yours, is ?
4. Those shoes  too big for you, are ?
5. The trousers  too long, are ?
6. The film  good, isn´t ?
7. Your sister  in my class, is ?
8. The saddle  brown, isn´t ?
9. The queues in front of the London Eye  long, aren´t ?
10. Oxford Street  the longest shopping street, isn´t ?
Fill in the correct verb and a pronoun (he, it, she, you or they).

1. You are early,  ?
2. Jake isn´t in the park,  ?
3. The shop is open,  ?
4. The pupils aren´t in school today,  ?
5. The bacon and eggs are great,  ?
6. The DLR is faster than the bus,  ?
7. The Computer Club isn´t exciting,  ?
8. The teachers aren´t angry,  ?
9. Lily is a polite girl,  ?
10. Ben is a fast runner,  ?









Social class and work[edit]

Though most Americans today identify themselves as middle class, American society and its culture are considerably more fragmented.Social class, generally described as a combination of educational attainmentincome and occupational prestige, is one of the greatest cultural influences in America.[1] Nearly all cultural aspects of mundane interactions and consumer behavior in the US are guided by a person's location within the country's social structure.
Distinct lifestyles, consumption patterns and values are associated with different classes. Early sociologist-economist Thorstein Veblen, for example, noted that those at the very top of the social ladder engage in conspicuous leisure as well as conspicuous consumptionUpper-middle-class persons commonly identify education and being cultured as prime values. Persons in this particular social class tend to speak in a more direct manner that projects authority, knowledge and thus credibility. They often tend to engage in the consumption of so-called mass luxuries, such as designer label clothing. A strong preference for natural materials and organic foods as well as a strong health consciousness tend to be prominent features of the upper middle class.Middle-class individuals in general value expanding one's horizon, partially because they are more educated and can afford greater leisure and travels. Working-class individuals take great pride in doing what they consider to be "real work," and keep very close-knit kin networks that serve as a safeguard against frequent economic instability.[1][5][6]
Hours worked in different countries according to UN data in a CNN report.[7]
Working-class Americans as well as many of those in the middle class may also face occupation alienation. In contrast to upper-middle-class professionals who are mostly hired to conceptualize, supervise and share their thoughts, many Americans enjoy only little autonomy or creative latitude in the workplace.[8] As a result white collar professionals tend to be significantly more satisfied with their work.[1][8] More recently those in the center of the income strata, who may still identify as middle class, have faced increasing economic insecurity,[9] supporting the idea of a working-class majority.[6]
Political behavior is affected by class; more affluent individuals are more likely to vote, and education and income affect whether individuals tend to vote for the Democratic or Republican party. Income also had a significant impact on health as those with higher incomes had better access to health care facilities, higher life expectancy, lower infant mortality rate and increased health consciousness.
In the United States occupation is one of the prime factors of social class and is closely linked to an individual’s identity. The average work week in the US for those employed full-time was 42.9 hours long with 30% of the population working more than 40 hours a week.[10] It should be noted, however, that many of those in the top two earning quintiles often worked more than 50 hours a week[citation needed]. The Average American worker earned $16.64 an hour in the first two quarters of 2006.[11]
Overall Americans worked more than their counterparts in other developed post-industrial nations. While the average worker inDenmark enjoyed 30 days of vacation annually, the average American only had 16 annual vacation days.[12] In 2000 the average American worked 1,978 hours per year, 500 hours more than the average German, yet 100 hours less than the average Czech. Overall the US labor force was the most productive in the world (overall, not by hour worked), largely due to its workers working more than those in any other post-industrial country (excluding South Korea).[7] Americans generally hold working and being productive in high regard; being busy as and working extensively may also serve as the means to obtain esteem.[6]

Race and ancestry[edit]

Ethnicity according to the 2000 US Census.[13]
Median Household income along ethnic lines in the United States.
Race in the United States is based on physical characteristics and skin color and has played an essential part in shaping American society even before the nation's conception.[1] Until the civil rights movement of the 1960s, racial minorities in the United States faced discrimination and social as well as economic marginalization.[14]
Today the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of the Census recognizes four races, Native American or American Indian,African AmericanAsian and White (European American). According to the U.S. government, Hispanic Americans do not constitute a race, but rather an ethnic group. During the 2000 U.S. Census Whites made up 75.1% of the population with those being Hispanic or Latino constituting the nation's prevalent minority with 12.5% of the population. African Americans made up 12.3% of the total population, 3.6% were Asian American and 0.7% were Native American.[13]
Approximately 62% of White Americans today are either wholly or partly of English, Welsh, Irish, or Scottish ancestry. Approximately 86% of White Americans are of northwestern European descent, and 14% are of southern and eastern European ancestry.
Until the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified on December 6th 1865 the United States was a slave society. While the northern states had outlawed slavery in their territory in the late 18th and early 19th century their industrial economies relied on the raw materials produced by slave labor. Following the Reconstruction period in the 1870s, Southern states initialized an apartheid regulated by Jim Crow laws that provided for legal segregation. Lynching occurred throughout the US until the 1930s, continuing well into the civil rights movement in the South.[14]
Asian Americans were also marginalized during much of US history. Between 1882 and 1943 the United States government instituted the Chinese Exclusion Act which prohibited Chinese immigrants from entering the nation. During the second world war roughly 120,000 Japanese Americans, 62% of whom were U.S. citizens,[15] were imprisoned in Japanese internment camps. Hispanic Americans also faced segregation and other types of discrimination; they were regularly subject to second class citizen status, in practice if not by law.
Largely as a result of being de jure or de facto excluded and marginalized from so-called mainstream society, racial minorities in the United States developed their own unique sub-cultures. During the 1920s for example, Harlem, New York became home to the Harlem Renaissance. Music styles such as JazzBlues and RapRock and roll as well as numerous folk-songs such asBlue Tail Fly (Jimmy Crack Corn) originated within the realms of African American culture.[14] Chinatowns can be found in many cities across the nation and Asian cuisine has become a common staple in America.
The Hispanic community has also had a dramatic impact on American culture. Today, Catholics are the largest religious denomination in the United States and out-number Protestants in the South-west and California.[16] Mariachi music and Mexican cuisine are commonly found throughout the Southwest, with some Latin dishes such burritos and tacos found anywhere in the nation. Economic discrepancies and de facto segregation, however, continue and is a prominent feature of mundane life in the United States.
While Asian Americans have prospered and have a median household income and educational attainment exceeding that of Whites, the same cannot be said for the other races. African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans have considerably lower income and education than do White Americans.[17][18] In 2005 the median household income of Whites was 62.5% higher than that of African American, nearly one-quarter of whom live below the poverty line.[17] Furthermore 46.9% of homicide victims in the United States are African American indicating the many severe socio-economic problems African Americans and minorities in general continue to face in the twenty-first century.[14][19]
Some aspects of American culture codify racism. For example, the prevailing idea in American culture, perpetuated by the media, has been that that black features are less attractive or desirable than white features. The idea that blackness was ugly was highly damaging to the psyche of African Americans, manifesting itself as internalized racism.[20] The Black is beautiful cultural movement sought to dispel this notion.[21]
In the years after the September 11th terrorist attacks, discrimination against Arabs and Muslims in the U.S. has increased significantly. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee(ADC) reported an increase in hate speech, cases of airline discrimination, hate crimes, police misconduct and racial profiling.[22] The USA Patriot Act, signed into effect by President Bush on October 26, 2001, has also raised concerns for violating civil liberties. Section 412 of the act provides the government with "sweeping new powers to detain immigrants and other foreign nationals indefinitely with little or no due process at the discretion of the Attorney General."[22] Other sections also allow the government to conduct secret searches, seizures and surveillance, and to freely interpret the definition of 'terrorist activities'.



The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, with a queen and a parliament that has two houses: the House of Lords, with 574 life peers, 92 hereditary peers, and 26 bishops; and the House of Commons, which has 651 popularly elected members. Supreme legislative power is vested in parliament, which sits for five years unless dissolved sooner. The House of Lords was stripped of most of its power in 1911, and now its main function is to revise legislation. In Nov. 1999, hundreds of hereditary peers were expelled in an effort to make the body more democratic. The executive power of the Crown is exercised by the cabinet, headed by the prime minister.
England has existed as a unified entity since the 10th century; the union between Englandand Wales, begun in 1284 with the Statute of Rhuddlan, was not formalized until 1536 with an Act of Union; in another Act of Union in 1707, England and Scotland agreed to permanently join as Great Britain; the legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland was implemented in 1801, with the adoption of the name the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921 formalized a partition of Ireland; six northern Irish counties remained part of the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland and the current name of the country, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was adopted in 1927.

British Society, People and Culture

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is comprised of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It is important not only to be aware of these geographical distinctions, but also the strong sense of identity and nationalism felt by the populations of these four nations. 

The terms 'English' and 'British' do not mean the same thing. 'British' denotes someone who is from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. 'English' refers to people from England. People from Scotland are 'Scots', from Wales ‘Welsh’ and from Northern Ireland ‘Irish’. Be sure not to call someone Welsh, Scots, or Northern Irish ‘English’.

The Class SystemMap of British Isles

Although in the past few decades, people from varied backgrounds have had greater access to higher education, wealth distribution is changing and more upward/downward mobility is occurring, the British class system is still very much intact although in a more subconscious way. The playing field is levelling but the British still seem to pigeon-hole people according to class. 

Class is no longer simply about wealth or where one lives; the British are able to suss out someone’s class through a number of complex variables including demeanour, accent, manners and comportment. 

A Multicultural Society

Formerly a very homogenous society, since World War II, Britain has become increasingly diverse as it has accommodated large immigrant populations, particularly from its former colonies such as India, Pakistan and the West Indies. The mixture of ethnic groups and cultures make it difficult to define “Britishness” nowadays and a debate rages within the nation as to what now really constitutes being a Briton. 

The Stiff Upper Lip

The British have been historically known for their stiff upper lip and “blitz spirit” as demonstrated during the German bombings of World War II. This ‘grin and bear’ attitude in the face of adversity or embarrassment lives on today. 

As a nation, the Brits tend not to use superlatives and may not appear terribly animated when they speak. This does not mean that they do not have strong emotions; merely that they do not choose to put them on public display. They are generally not very openly demonstrative, and, unless you know someone well, may not appreciate it if you put your arm around their shoulder. Kissing is most often reserved for family members in the privacy of home, rather than in public. You'll see that the British prefer to maintain a few feet of distance between themselves and the person to whom they are speaking. If you have insulted someone, their facial expression may not change. 




1. copy the chart

2. Solve the following activities
Present Simple Tense 
Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.
1. John ______________ (play/plays) soccer. 
2. They ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) study after school. 
3. We _______________ (take/takes) the metro to the office every day. 
4. What ___________ (do/does) you want to study? 
5. On Tuesdays, I _________ (go/goes) to the mall. 
6. Terry ___________ (play/plays) soccer; he _________________ (practice/practices) 
every day. 
7. ____________ (Do/Does) Lucy ride her bike to school, or ___________ (do/does) she 
take the bus? 
8. On Sunday, he ____________ (don’t/doesn’t) read the newspaper. 
9. Where _____________ (do/does) they work? 
10. How ____________ (do/does) you spell your name? 
Make questions with the word groups, using (do) or (does).
1. (Where/she/live) _________________________________________________________? 
2. (When/you/play/soccer) ____________________________________________________? 
3. (What/he/eat/for/lunch) ____________________________________________________? 
4. (When/they/come/home/from/school)_________________________________________? 
5. (she/want/to/work/in/the/office) _____________________________________________? 
6. (your/mother/take/you/to/school)_____________________________________________? 
7. (What/time/you/get/up)____________________________________________________? 
8. (Where/your/father/work) __________________________________________________? 
9. (Julia/live/in/Colorado) ____________________________________________________? 

10. (How/Juan/and/David/go/to/school)___________________________________________? 
3. Print the chart and paste it in your notebooks




Read the article and do comprehension exercises 1 and 2. Then put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive form.
                                    Fire devastates Cutty Sark
The Cutty Sark ship, one of London's most popular tourist attractions,  (devastate) by a fire, which police think may  (start) on purpose.
More than 40 fire fighters   (call) to the 138-year-old tea clipper ship in Greenwich early on Monday morning.
The ship  recently  (close) to visitors so improvements costing £25 million could  (carry) out.
A spokesman for the London fire service said the whole ship  (affect) by the massive fire but nobody  (hurt).
Police don't know what caused the fire yet, but said they were treating it as suspicious. That means the fire may  (start) on purpose rather than by accident.
Chris Livett, from the group which looks after the ship, said the fire was a significant setback but they were determined to put the ship back together again.
He said the decks could not  (save) but the damage didn't appear as bad as first feared.
Half the planking, as well as all the old artefacts on board, escaped damage as they  (remove) while the refurbishment work was under way.
He added: "She's been through storms and hurricanes. She's been battling all her life. She's not dead yet, far from it."
The Cutty Sark  (use) to carry tea around the world in the 19th century. It now sits at a dry dock at Greenwich as a living museum.
Exercise1. Find words or phrases in the text which have a similar meaning to the following.
a place where a ship can be taken out of the water for repairs
a problem that delays or prevents progress
a storm with very strong fast winds
in a way that is not planned or intended
making you feel that something is wrong or illegal  
objects that were made a long time ago and are historically important
struggling; fighting 
very big                     
wood that has been cut into flat pieces
Exercise 2. Are the following statements true or false? Write T for True or F for False.
The police believe the fire started by chance.
People couldn’t visit the ship because it had recently been sold for £25 million.
The fire only caused damage to the decks.
The police are not sure whether someone set fire to the ship deliberately.
According to one of the people who look after the ship, the fire caused a major delay in their work.
Chris Livett is afraid the damage to the ship is worse than they had thought at first.
The old artefacts were not destroyed because they had been taken away before the fire started.
The Cutty Sark has survived many difficult circumstances.
Why is the ship called Cutty Sark?
A.  Why is the ship called Cutty Sark? Read the following story to find out. Then fill in the gaps using the following words.
There is an old Scottish legend that was later turned into a story by Robert Burns. This story is about a farmer called Tam O'Shanter.
It was very late on a dark and  night when Tam, who had been to Market to sell his wares and had called at the local inn afterwards for a few drinks, began his journey home. Tam was riding his old mare Meg down a lonely road, when he drew close to the church at Kirk Alloway.
Through the cold night air he heard a strange and  sound, and as he looked into the night sky he saw the glare of fire!
There, in the churchyard, dancing around a huge  was a coven of witches and warlocks. Tam sat on his horse, rigid with terror! The witches danced on and Tam noticed that one of the hags was younger and more  than the others. Her name was Nannie, but Tam didn't know this; all she was wearing was a short petticoat so he called her 'cutty sark', which is an old regional Scottish name for this .
Well, the dancing became wilder and wilder and Tam became more and more engrossed. At last, he could bear the  no longer and he shouted out,
"Weel done 'cutty sark'!"
With a flash the bonfire went out, and a soul-tearing  went up from the witches and warlocks, as they began to  towards Tam, desperate to get to this mortal who had ruined their revelry.
Poor Tam. He was in fear of his life, and for a moment just sat there, but after a few seconds that seemed like lifetimes, he managed to spur Meg on, in a desperate race to save his life.
Now, witches cannot cross running water, and fortunately for Tam, the river Doon was nearby. He set Meg galloping  towards the bridge, with the witches in hot pursuit.
Nannie, being younger and faster than the rest, was the closest to him, and was reaching out to grab Meg’s , just as the mare reached the bridge.
Luckily for Tam (although not so for Meg), the horse's tail came away in Nannie's hand just as the mare  over the bridge. Tam was saved! The witches and warlocks stood on the river-bank cursing and screaming at Tam who had had a very  escape.
This was the story that inspired the naming of Cutty Sark. Although we do not know why the name was chosen, Jock Willis (the owner of the ship) was a well-read man who enjoyed poetry. During his time as a ship's captain, he would read French novels in his cabin. He also named one of his other ships the Hallowe'en, the title of another Burns poem. Although "cutty sark" was a little unusual, it certainly suits a sleek, swift tea clipper, giving her an air of magic and mystery. 
B.   Now look at the words in bold. Can you guess their meaning from the context? Look for key words that can help you to guess. Finally match the words in bold with their definitions.
wild noisy dancing, eating, drinking etc, usually to celebrate something
a piece of underwear for a woman or girl which is like a dress or skirt
a group or meeting of witches 
following someone closely, trying hard to catch them 
an adult female horse 
an ugly old woman 
saying magic words which are intended to bring bad luck to someone 
small products for selling, in a market or on the street but not usually in a shop
a bright unpleasant light which hurts your eyes 
a man who has magical powers, especially evil powers 
so interested or involved in something that you think about nothing else
                     The End